About Us
Who We Are
We are the Teran James Young Foundation (TJYF) a 501(c)3 nonprofit established here on Maui. Our focus is on creating Peace and Sustainability programs in the world.
Our Mission
Our mission is to have peace and sustainability programs in our schools, community and world by promoting Restorative Practices, Nonviolent Communication and healthy environmental practices.
What We Do
The peace and sustainability programs of the Teran James Young Foundation work in tandem to bring about peace in the world, helping Maui’s youth to thrive and develop into effective and compassionate leaders through NVCnextgen and Hale Pono, aiding our community in peaceful conflict resolution with Maluhia Mediation, and endeavoring to move away from our current punitive justice system toward a more compassionate, integrative one, through our Restorative Justice Center.
Our Peace and Sustainability Programs

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) for the next generation
NVCnextgen provides Nonviolent Communication (NVC) programs that promote connection, teach collaboration and conflict resolution skills, and bringing awareness to shared universal needs. NVCnextgen works with Maui’s youth and those who guide them in our schools and our community, and offers NVC practice groups for adults across the world through Zoom, ensuring that people of all ages and backgrounds have the opportunity to learn these valuable relational skills. We provide Nonviolent Communication education on Maui.
To learn more about NVCnextgen and Nonviolent Communication, please visit us at nvcnextgen.org

Hale Pono Youth Shelter
The Hale Pono Shelter in Wailuku is Maui’s newest short-term youth shelter. Hale Pono serves as a sanctuary for teens age of 12 through 17 years old, providing them not only with meals and safe place to stay, but also with support in NVC and conflict-resolution skills, access to in-house mediation and restorative justice services, and referrals for any community resources that they might need.
To learn more about our Hale Pono Shelter, please visit halepono.org

Maluhia Mediation
Maluhia Mediation offers a unique approach to resolving conflict-seeing it as an opportunity to connect and form/deepen relationships. Our mediators employ a safe, effective mediation process that can be applied to any conflict, aiding participants in collaboratively coming to a solution that meets everyone’s needs.
To learn more about Maluhia Mediation, please visit us at maluhiamediation.org

Restorative Justice Center
Restorative Justice is a justice system that brings together victims, offenders, and all others who were affected by an offender’s actions, to work through the consequences of a harmful event and come to an agreement on how best to repair the harm. Rather than solely focusing on punishing offenders, as our current punitive justice system does, Restorative Justice focuses on having offenders hold themselves accountable, and on repairing any relationships that may have been damaged by their actions, on the individual, family, and community level.
Our Restorative Justice Center offers Restorative Justice services to the people of Maui, and is ever hard at work creating and promoting Restorative legislation in an effort to bring a Restorative justice system to all of Hawaiʻi.
To learn more about our Restorative Justice Center, please visit us at restorativejusticecenter.org